Hi 👋 I am Aidan Lew , a Latent Fool

  • ✌ Graduated from Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), majored in Software Engineering (bachelor)
  • ⏰ Be in Peking University (PKU) for further study.
  • 👀Interested in NLP , Magic and Music.
  • 💞️Looking for like-minded partners who'd like to do research in LLM.
  • 📫How to reach me -- ljt20233023@163.com

News 📰

  • 【20230706】 Got the bachelor's degree(Software Engineering) from NPU! Happy graduation!🎉
  • 【20230723】 Won the First Prize of Neo APAC Hackathon Tokyo with KEKKAI!🎉🎉
  • 【20231123】Released the XAgent v1.0.0 with THUNLP and OpenBMB.🎉🎉🎉

Latest Projects 💌

  • XAgent: An Autonomous Agent for Complex Task Solving Github stars